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7 Ways To Enhance Employee Engagement – Technology Org


Close to three-quarters of workers are actively thinking about quitting their jobs, according to a survey conducted by Joblist.

Employees, business company - illustrative photo.

Employees, business company – illustrative photo. Image credit: Jud Mackrill via Unsplash, free license

Employee engagement is the key to addressing the conundrum. It is aimed at aligning the employee to the company’s goals, enhances productivity, improves well-being and helps in boosting employee motivation.

In this blog, we will explore various practices that organisations can undertake to improve employee engagement for overall success. So, let us read more.

Employee Engagement in a Nutshell

Employee engagement includes four elements:

  • Commitment to the organisation
  • Identification with the organisation
  • Job satisfaction
  • Energy at work

These elements collectively determine employee engagement in the organisation which in turn is reflected in the success of the business.

Ways to improve Employee engagement

organisations are extensively involved in engagement measures to ensure productivity, improved retention rates, higher revenue, happier employees and better quality of work. Some of the effective measures to improve engagement are as follows:

  1. Making work joyful and less cumbersome

Offering the latest technological tools, such as modern intranet software platforms, enables the interoperability of the operations. It ensures that information is shared seamlessly, enabling easier communication and collaboration among the employees. It provides employee-friendly techniques for easier work management.

  1. Increasing employee involvement
  • Aligning an organisation’s mission to employee values is crucial as they feel that their values are in alignment and hence, they fit better in the organisation’s structure.
  • Demonstrating that an organisation’s purpose directly relates to an employee’s work is important for value alignment. Techniques such as get-togethers and small group sessions can help employees align their work with the broader mission of the organisation.
  • Employee resource groups are an effective way to bring individuals with similar backgrounds or interests together. It can also be used as a tool to promote diversity and inclusion, special interests and social work.
  1. Offering flexibility to the employees
  • Providing employees with the flexibility to try new tasks to discover their interests enables them to feel motivated.
  • Providing employees with more autonomy helps in fostering intrinsic motivation and initiative.
  • Boosting employees’ sense of self-confidence by undertaking mentorship programmes and check-in emails so that they are much more willing to take on difficult tasks.
  1. Rewarding the employees
  • Rewarding the employees sufficiently with money and time is crucial to keep them motivated and enthusiastic in the long run.
  • Encouraging employees to pursue hobbies and interests outside of work enables enhanced quality of life. It also proves to be an effective stress buster.
  • Reducing after-hours emails provide employees with a resting period and enables them to focus on themselves and their loved ones.
  1. Recognising that every employee has different engagement needs

Understanding that different employees will have different engagement strategies that are effective for them. In that case, it becomes important to remain open and curious to tweak the approach based on changing circumstances.

  1. One-on-one interactions with employees

Scheduling time to proactively connect with the employees one-on-one makes the employees feel seen and valued. It builds rapport among the members of the organisation and cultivates a conducive environment for personal growth.

Wrapping Up

Having considered the multiple levers of employee engagement, organisations have to infuse organisational culture with employee-centric policies to enable them to feel a part of the organisation just as much as the organisation is part of their lives.

In this blog, we explored the numerous ways we can enhance employee engagement, such as greater autonomy and flexibility, value alignment and a joyful environment to address turnover rates as well as improve organisational growth.

Hopefully, this was helpful.


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