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70:30 ratio of NCERT and State syllabus for primary and secondary education curriculum


The Department of School Education and Literacy is planning to release the early child education or foundation education curriculum by the first week of December.

The Department of School Education and Literacy is planning to release the early child education or foundation education curriculum by the first week of December.
| Photo Credit: file photo

Following instructions of the national curriculum under the National Education Policy (NEP), the Department of School Education and Literacy has decided to frame the State curriculum with 70% of ‘National Council of Educational Research and Training’ (NCERT) and 30% of State syllabus.

The department is planning to release the early child education or foundation education curriculum by the first week of December. It has focused on regional issues in early child education curriculum.

The State government is planning to implement the NEP-2022 in primary education from the academic year of 2023-24. The Union government and the Minister of School Education and Literacy has sent the national curriculum framework for the State to follow.

The national curriculum has instructed to consider 30% State curriculum syllabus. According to this, the department is following NCERT and State syllabus method with 70:30 ratio for primary and secondary education.

According to the NEP, the early child education is from 3 to 8 years. As a result, the department has decided to implement only activity oriented education for the 3 to 6 age group. They cannot prescribe any textbooks for students.

Only two textbooks – alphabetic learning and numerical numbers learning – have been prescribed for students of Classes I and II. Importance will be given to regional issues in the curriculum, and mothertongue will be the medium of instruction up to Class II.

Speaking to The Hindu, B.C. Nagesh, Minister for School Education and Literacy, said: “We must follow the instructions of the national curriculum to frame our State curriculum under the NEP. According to this, we decided to frame our State curriculum by 70:30 ratio of NCERT and State syllabus.”

“According to the NEP, early child education will be started from the age of 3. Various research reports stated that 80% of the brain will be developed within the age of 6. During this age, we should be not put pressure on the minds of young children. We should allow the children’s mind to grow naturally. Therefore, we decided to give activity oriented education for these students,” he added.

The Minister also said in the early child education, focus on regional issues includes regional food, lifestyle, tradition, and culture. “Students will easily grasp activities surrounding them. For example, for Bengaluru region the curriculum will be focused on metro rail, bus services, shopping, and for the coastal region, it will be the sea, ships, fishing, and other things for. We have already instructed the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) to do this and set up a team in the Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT) for this work,” Mr. Nagesh explained.


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