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17% Surge in Respiratory Health Concerns After New Year’s


 17% Surge in Respiratory Health Concerns After New Year

  • As the nation ushers in the new year, there is an alarming increase in respiratory illnesses, including a surge in COVID-19 cases
  • Plant-based diets, regular workouts, medicines, vaccines, and healthy eating can help to maintain respiratory health
  • Baystate Health’s wastewater surveillance data triggers the reimplementation of a hospital-wide mask mandate to counter the anticipated spike in COVID-19 cases

As the nation ushers in the new year, a marked surge in respiratory ailments has been observed across the country, with health experts anticipating a sustained increase throughout the month’s remainder. The post-new year period traditionally witnesses a spike in respiratory problems, attributed to larger gatherings and heightened transmission.

COVID-19 Cases Have Skyrockted After New Year’s

Recent data from the State Department of Public Health reveals that nearly 17% of emergency room visits are linked to respiratory illnesses, with COVID-19 emerging as the primary culprit (1). Between December 17th and the 23rd, approximately 6,000 confirmed or probable COVID-19 cases were reported. These numbers closely resemble those from the same week last year, though cases skyrocketed to almost 17,000 after New Year festivities.

Mask Mandatory For All Hospital Visitors

Baystate Health’s wastewater surveillance data has identified an upswing in COVID-19 cases, leading to the reinstatement of a mask mandate for all hospital visitors. In anticipation of the anticipated surge post-holidays, certain individuals have adopted additional precautions to safeguard their health.


Steven Kravetz of Holyoke shared his preventive measures, stating, “I primarily follow a plant-based diet, abstaining from meat, eggs, dairy, and such. This dietary choice helps me maintain good health. Additionally, I engage in physical exercise four to five times a week, dedicating an hour to an hour and a half each time; this routine also contributes to my overall well-being.”

Connor Bouchard from Springfield emphasized the importance of healthy habits, saying, “I take prescribed medicines, ensure I am up-to-date on vaccines, and prioritize consuming nutritious food. These three practices are crucial for ensuring personal safety.”

Despite diverse approaches to maintaining health, vaccines persist as the foremost recommended measure for protection. The efficacy of vaccines in preventing severe outcomes and reducing transmission remains a cornerstone of public health strategies. As we navigate the uncertainties of the ongoing pandemic, collective adherence to preventive measures, including vaccination, remains paramount for safeguarding individual and community well-being.


  1. Respiratory Illness Data Dashboard




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