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Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig Tease Possible ‘Barbie’ Musical


Barbie … the Musical? It’s not all that far-fetched!

Margot RobbieGreta Gerwig and America Ferrera spoke about the possibility — excitedly, we might add — while chatting exclusively with ET’s Denny Directo backstage Thursday at the 35th annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards Gala. On the heels of the film’s monumental success at the box office — coupled with the film’s soundtrack earning critical acclaim — it’s only natural to wonder if a musical is in the cards.

Just ask Robbie.

“Trust me, this isn’t the first … this is not the first time we’ve thought of it, yeah,” she tells ET. “It’s so fun when you can turn everything into a big, crazy musical number. Everything is infinitely more fun.”

Gerwig, the film’s director, agreed.

“A lot,” she says, piggybacking off Robbie’s love for musicals. “I’m deeply [in] love [with] musicals. Also, America’s performed in musicals!”

Gerwig added, “I really love musicals. I mean, nothing would make me happier. So, I would love a musical.”

Ferrera, who played Mattel employee Gloria, said she feels like her character “has a number in her.”


Barbie the Musical just makes sense when you consider the success of the film’s soundtrack since the movie premiered last summer. On Thursday, Billie Eilish and Finneas accepted the Chairman’s Award at the Awards Gala for their song, “What Was I Made For?”

“It’s so cool,” Eilish gushed of being awarded the prize, which has previously gone to Amy Adams, Viola Davis, George Clooney and more. “I heard that it’s also never been given to a songwriter, which is such an honor, so we’re really, really, really excited.”

Finneas agreed, noting of Barbie, “It’s just such a special piece of art. I kind of still can’t believe that we’re part of it at all.”

“When people talk about the Barbie movie and they said, ‘I love the Barbie movie,’ I’m like, ‘Me too,'” he said. “I forget that we had anything to do with it.”

And fans can’t forget that Barbie: The Album earned a GRAMMY nomination for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media, as well as 10 other nominations. In fact, four of the five nominees in the Best Song Written for Visual Media went to tracks from Barbie.

See, not so far-fetched!



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