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NIC making interim arrangement for Vahan data access: Transport Commissioner


The National Informatics Centre(NIC) will make an interim arrangement to facilitate access to data related to transport/goods vehicles of Andhra Pradesh by those having authorised login for ‘VAHAN’ and ‘SARADHI’ system till the entire data migration process was completed.

Reacting to the news item in these columns ‘Lorry Owners Suffer as vehicle details yet to be uploaded into Vahan’, Andhra Pradesh Transport Commissioner P.S.R Anjaneyulu said: “The data migration into the VAHAN portal might take some more time. In the meantime, to overcome the troubles being faced by AP Lorry Owners and Drivers in other States, we are contacting the Transport Commissioners and Director Generals of Police of other States, prevailing upon them to honour the hard copies submitted by the vehicle owners/driving license holders of Andhra Pradesh.”

“As we are in a transition phase, the data of AP-based vehicles is not being shown in the NIC database. As a result, the Enforcement Officers of other States are booking cases. Also, the officials at RTA offices of other States are not processing files for various transactions for the vehicles going to other States from AP on NOC,” the Transport Commissioner added.


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