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Girl’s stabbing: Police book management of Presidency University for negligence


The Rajanakunte police booked the management of Presidency University for negligence following the stabbing of Laya Smitha, 19, on the corridor of the university on Monday.

The accused, Pawan Kalyan, 21, a BCA student of another college, ventured into the college and called her out of the classroom to talk and stabbed her repeatedly, killing her on the spot, said the police.

The accused then stabbed himself in a attempt to end his life.

While Ms. Smitha, a BTech student, was rushed to a private hospital and declared brought dead, Pawan Kalyan is critical and responding to treatment, a police officer said.

The police are waiting for him to recover to question him to ascertain the cause of the attack.

On Tuesday, the police handed over the body of the victim to her family.

According to the police, a probe revealed that the duo was related and Pawan Kalyan was miffed that he was being ignored, and even blocked by the victim after he started harassing her.

Ms. Smitha, who stayed in a hostel close to the university, had gone to her hometown to celebrate the new year and returned to the college on Monday after visiting her cousin in K.R. Puram.

The family members vented their ire against the management for their negligent attitude in allowing outsiders on the campus and also for not informing them about the incident. They got to know about the attack, when the police called them around 3 p.m.


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