The Adibatla police, following a fresh complaint by Mucharla Vaishali, a 24-year-old medico who was kidnapped from her house at Manneguda last week, has opened another investigation against accused Naveen Reddy.
Police said the complainant raised multiple objections to the videos released by Mr. Reddy which are in the nature of tarnishing her image and causing mental agony. The same videos were also broadcast on television and online news channels.
It was reported that Mr. Reddy had handed over the selfie-video content to his brother Nandeep Reddy and cousin Vamshi Bharath Reddy, who forwarded the clips to various channels for broadcast.
“The acts of Naveen Reddy, Nandeep Reddy, Vamshi Bharath Reddy and the channels caused mental agony to the complainant and her family members, and blamed them in society by assassinating her character,” the police said.
The trio were booked under IPC 354C (voyeurism) and 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman). An investigation has been opened.
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