A physical education teacher of a girls’ residential school in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh allegedly punished a Class X student with a hot iron rod for not wearing ‘chunni’, part of the school uniform here, while playing in the playground.
The incident, which took place at Kasturba Gandhi Girls School at Kothapalli on Saturday, came to light on Tuesday after reports of the same spread on social media platforms.
Kothapalli Mandal Education Officer(MEO) Sriramulu said the lady teacher, Pavani, reportedly brought a heated iron rod from the kitchen and hit her when she found the girl without a chunni during the drill period. The girl reportedly suffered burns on her cheek, he added.
The girl’s parents have not yet lodged a complaint against the teacher.
Mr. Sriramulu, along with Mandal Development Officer and Sub-Inspector Mubinna Taz, visited the school on Tuesday and conducted an inquiry into the incident. An action will be taken after the higher officials take a decision on the report sent to them, said the MEO.
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