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Challenge: Continuous Systems for Offshore Methane Release Quantification – Technology Org


NineSigma, representing a major oil and gas company, invites proposals for technologies that enable continuous detection and quantification of methane releases in the atmosphere from offshore facilities and ships.

Methane bubbles frozen in the lake ice - illustrative photo.

Methane bubbles frozen in the lake ice – illustrative photo. Image credit: John Bakator via Unsplash, free license


The client is dedicated to preventing greenhouse gas releases from offshore operations involving natural gas.  Although the client is familiar with many technologies applied onshore or for point detection of methane, the offshore environment presents several challenges that make currently known onshore systems less attractive.

These challenges include higher winds than onshore, saltwater spray, and limited deck space. Moreover, the system must see and quantify methane plumes against a seawater background.

When oil and gas wells are finally abandoned, there may still be large volumes of hydrocarbons left in the subsurface, including gas.

When oil and gas wells are finally abandoned, there may still be large volumes of hydrocarbons left in the subsurface, including gas. Image credit: Bernardo Ferrari via Unsplash, free license

The client invites proposals from organizations who have or could develop/customize technologies to detect/localize and quantify released methane in the atmosphere at offshore operation sites.

The organizer recognizes that the technology being sought may require additional development or marinizing and is willing to work with a provider. If successful, there is potential for application of the technology at multiple offshore operation sites.

Submissions to this Challenge must be received by Jul 3, 2023.

Source: NineSights

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