Coop bank loan comes to the aid of daily wage labourer struggling to take care of his disabled children



Struggling with two sons who are disabled, a loan of ₹25000 to start a small scale industry in his house has given a ray of hope for P. Veeraraghavan, a daily wage labourer and his wife V. Malarvizhi of Vallipuram in Kancheepuram district.

The loan was possible due to the efforts of Food and Cooperation Secretary J. Radhakrishnan and will be used to run a small business of making computer sambrani.  It has been two years since the couple stopped medical treatment for their sons — Kathiresan, 17, and Monalarasan, 20, who have stunted growth and need to be carried around.

“My wife has to stay at home to look after our sons and we have to survive on my wages alone, which is why we could no longer afford to take them for treatment. For 16 years we kept going to hospitals and meeting doctors every three months,” said Mr. Veeraraghavan.  

He also said that he saw a glimmer of hope when Mr. Radhakrishnan called and spoke to him in detail about his sons. “I was afraid how their future would be. Just his words of encouragement meant a lot to me since we have no support of any kind to look after our sons. He has asked for the entire medical treatment records, which I have shared with him. If doctors say something can be done, I will be very happy, if not too I will not mind it since it is the secretary, who has taken the initiative,” he added.

Mr. Radhakrishnan said that the government was also working on providing further support to ensure employment and also provide permanent house in consultation with departments with relevant schemes.  


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