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Damaged Ukrainian military equipment now can be repaired in Slovakia – Technology Org


Slovakia now has its own repair base suitable to fix damaged Ukrainian military equipment, announced Foreign Minister of the Slovak Republic Rastislav Káčer.

Ukraine defense ministry file photo of a MiG-29 Fulcrum

Ukraine defense ministry file photo of a MiG-29 Fulcrum

The official opening ceremony of the new repair facility will be held on Monday. Minister did not specify what specific types of vehicles or weapons will be serviced there.

“On Monday, we will open a reparation plant where damaged Military equipment will be repaired, and it will be returned to Ukraine. You know, peace will be here, and we will be with you until that happens, we will be with you until the end,” Káčer told in his interview for Interfax-Ukraine.

He also noted that Slovakia has recently approved a new military aid package for Ukraine that includes among other things ammunition, missiles for MiG-29 fighter jets, and warm winter clothing for Ukrainian soldiers.


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