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Delhi Police arrests two men for swindling railways job seekers of ₹2.68 crore


File image for representation.

File image for representation.
| Photo Credit: S. Subramanium

Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) has arrested two accused in a case where 28 persons from Tamil Nadu were cheated of ₹2.68 crore on the pretext of providing them jobs in the Indian Railways.

Sivaraman V., who hails from Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, was arrested from government servant quarters here on Mahadev road, while his accomplice, Vikas Rana, a resident of Govindpuri, was arrested from Darjeeling, where he had been hiding, the police said.

The case came to light after the victims reported to the police that they were made to stand on the platforms of New Delhi railway station and count the arrivals and departures of trains, as well as the number of coaches in each train over several weeks, believing that they were part of a “training exercise”, which, if completed, would land them the jobs.

An FIR was registered in November last year with the EOW based on a complaint lodged by one of the victims under sections related to cheating, forgery and criminal conspiracy.

Two more accused — Satender Dubey (35) and Rahul Chaudhary (24) — are currently absconding.

“During interrogation, Rana revealed that Dubey had contacted him regarding the jobs. As Rana was in debt, Dubey convinced him to scam people for jobs in the Indian Railways. Rana was asked to impersonate the Deputy Director at Northern Railway Office,” a senior police officer said.

The duo subsequently contacted Mr. Chaudhary, whose role was to get the victims’ medical examinations done at the Railway hospital to give their operation an air of authenticity, the police added. The officer said that Mr. Chaudhary contacted Mr. Sivaraman, who targeted individuals from Tamil Nadu.

“We were made to sit at platforms and count the number of trains that arrive and depart from the New Delhi railway station,” a complaint had told The Hindu.

The officer said Mr. Rana received ₹40 lakh in total, adding that he spent the money travelling through Darjeeling, Kolkata, and Punjab. On the other hand, Mr. Sivaraman received ₹1 lakh for each victim he lured from Tamil Nadu. However, he spent the money on his family, treating his illnesses and repaying his debts.

Further investigation is being carried out to understand how the accused accessed the Indian Railway hospital, the officer said. “We’ll look into the possible involvement of other people. The investigation is under way,” he added.


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