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‘Fair Play’: Phoebe Dynevor & Alden Ehrenreich Mix Business & Pleasure


Phoebe Dynevor and Alden Ehrenreich are mixing business and pleasure in the steamy new thriller Fair Play.

The upcoming film, written and directed by first-time filmmaker Chloe Domont, stars the Bridgerton lead and Solo star as Emily and Luke, a blissful young couple keeping their illicit romance a secret from their coworkers at a cutthroat financial firm.

But everything changes when Emily gets promoted above Luke, leading to a power imbalance that unravels sinister tension between the once-happy couple.

“Why is it so hard to accept that I deserve that job?” Emily pleads in a tense confrontation in the trailer, which Netflix released on Tuesday.

“I never got the shot!” Luke bellows in reply.

Watch the trailers below:

The film, which premiered at Sundance to rave reviews, also stars Eddie Marsan, Rich Sommer, and Sebastian De Souza.

Fair Play will be released in select theaters on Sept. 29 and premiere globally Oct. 6 on Netflix.



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