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General Motors: Repairing Tesla EVs is a growing business for us – Technology Org


Repairing cars is a less-popular aspect of Tesla’s business – there are lots of stories about people having to drive their cars for several hours just to reach an authorized service center.

Tesla cars - illustrative photo.

Tesla cars – illustrative photo. Image credit: Steve Rainwater via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

But the situation is taking a bit unexpected turn. Instead of relying on Tesla’s own service centers or their mobile repair technicians, you may have a chance to repair your EV at a local General Motors dealership.

Is it possible to repair your Tesla elsewhere?

The short answer is YES. According to a recent publication on Teslarati, General Motors now offers the possibility to service Tesla’s vehicles at its dealerships.

Of course, Tesla is capable to handle its own repairs, but the network of its service centers does not offer a wide geographical coverage – this means that a lot of owners live quite far from places where they can get their vehicles fixed.

Apparently, General Motors now holds all the necessary certifications required to perform servicing on Tesla’s vehicles. Furthermore, GM sees this situation as a new and rapidly growing business, because increasingly more Tesla owners are seeking more convenient repair options.

New business for General Motors

“That’s a growing business for us. I gotta say it’s a new business,” GM President Mark Reuss said during the GM Investor Day 2022.

Technically, Tesla EVs can be repaired by any dealership – as long as it is officially certified by Tesla. GM, however, seems to be very serious about this business opportunity. According to the company, its specialists have already repaired about 11,000 Tesla cars to date.

According to the automaker, the majority (~90%) of U.S. citizens live within 10 miles of a GM dealership. For them, it is completely logical to look for easily accessible repair opportunities, even when they own a vehicle made by another brand – including Tesla.

For General Motors, this is a new business opportunity. For Tesla, it is a convenient way to keep its customers happy.


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