Governor Ravi should not rewrite history: K.S. Alagiri


Tamil Nadu Congress Committee president K.S. Alagiri on Tuesday said Governor R.N. Ravi should not behave like a propaganda secretary of the BJP and act against Indian Constitution by making “baseless speeches”.

In a statement, Mr. Alagiri referred to Mr. Ravi’s remarks that history of freedom movement must be centred around people, the contributions of many leaders were ignored and that the leaders who participated in the non-violence movement featured more than those who participated in the armed struggle.

“By claiming these, Mr. Ravi has indulged in rewriting of history. Indian history has been recorded by several scholars with proper documents. Governor has been making these political comments without reading those scholarly accounts. This is condemnable,” he said.

Mr. Alagiri said that Vellore revolution, revolutionaries such as Veerapandiya Kattabomman are being remembered even today.

“We cannot expect Governor Ravi to know about it. Several scholars have written several books about the revolt in 1857. They refused to call it ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ and called it the First War of Independence. Only after the revolt of 1857, the rule of East India Company was removed and India was brought under the rule of Queen Victoria. After which the Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 and the British began listening to the Congress about the interests of the Indians,” he said.

Mr. Alagiri added that Mahatma Gandhi began participating in the freedom movement since 1915 and Congress started functioning as a huge people’s movement.

“In 1920s, non-cooperation movement, burning of foreign goods, Salt Satyagraha in 1929, Civil Disobedience movement in 1940 and Quit India movement in 1942, led to India’s independence in 1947. Non-violence and Sathyagraha protests spearheaded by Mahatma Gandhi helped India get independence from 200 years of British rule. In these struggles, communist leaders and cadres also faced unspeakable horrors,” he said.


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