Rheumatism Relief: Amritadi Churna Shines as an Ayurvedic Healing Option

[ad_1] Amritadi Churna has been identified as a potent Ayurvedic remedy for rheumatism, said Banaras Hindu…

Pomegranate Extract Mouth-Wash Preserves Oral Hygiene in Dogs

[ad_1] A major cause of periodontal disease is poor oral hygiene, which can lead to the…

Diabetes Spurs Blood Cancer but Prognosis Vary Among Races

[ad_1] While investigators have long been aware of the increased risk of multiple myeloma in patients…

Quality Primary Care Boosts Elderly Varicella-Zoster Vaccination Rates

[ad_1] However, the factors promoting vaccination uptake or their relationship with the quality of primary care…

Beyonce to Reportedly Release ‘Renaissance World Tour’ Concert Film

[ad_1] Beyoncé fans looking to experience her Renaissance World Tour in a new way may get their wish before…

Saturated Fat Linked to Memory Impairment in Aging Brain

[ad_1] Separate experiments using brain tissue from aging mice showed a high-fat diet may lead specific…

Plate of a Vegan Diet: A Path to Health or Eating Disorder?

[ad_1] A team of researchers from the University of So Paulo (USP) in Brazil embarked on…

Hawk Data Pro: An Essential One Health Surveillance Tool for Rabies Management

[ad_1] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the true burden of rabies in India is…

Skin Hotspots in Ears & Toes – Safe Haven for Harmful Germs

[ad_1] Crandall added. For the study, the team designed an innovative genomics course and then unleashed…

Can Kitchen Spices & Indoor Plants be Harmful?

[ad_1] Flavorful spices in the kitchen, such as nutmeg, myrobalan, and poppy seeds, when consumed in…