Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Monday accused the Congress of ‘misinforming’ the people about the Supreme Court’s decision on demonetisation, and targeted former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram for his observation that the dissenting verdict in the 4:1 majority decision, was a “slap on the wrist” of the Narendra Modi government.
“The ‘New Rule’ for the Congress Party: One-Judge minority observation is the Supreme Court ruling and four Judges’ decision is not a SC decision. They will go back to all SC minority decisions to uphold them as the laws of the land,”Mr. Rijiju said, taking a swipe at the former Finance Minister, who is also a lawyer.
Also Read: BJP hails Supreme Court verdict on demonetisation
The Law Minister asserted, “The Supreme Court never examines the impact of a decision like demonetisation. That question could never have been raised for consideration of the court as it is essentially for the executive….P. Chidambaram knows he is making a political argument when he states that the objectives were not met, as neither the majority judgment nor even the minority judgment has accepted the said contention”.
“My request to the Congress Party: Please do not misinform our citizens,”Mr. Rijiju added.
“The ‘New Rule’ for the Congress Party: One-Judge minority observation is the Supreme Court ruling and four Judges’ decision is not a SC decision”Kiren RijijuUnion Law Minister
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