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Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvum Scheme All Set to Diagnose Non-Communicable Diseases in Tamil Nadu


The Health Department will diagnose persons with hypertension and diabetes to reduce further complications through early detection.

It is also focusing on the mental strength of youngsters including college students and has formed ‘Manam’ to reach out to college students. The department is conducting teleconsultations through the state helpline 104.


The state Public Health and Preventive Medicine wing are focusing on the digitalization of the health system and for surveillance of health events. The Health Department, according to a senior officer, has taken steps to prevent deaths due to hospital negligence.

The Health Department is also planning to increase the inoculation of booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine among the public.

It is now engaged in ensuring adequate equipment and facilities including ICU beds and oxygen cylinders for any eventuality. Fever camps are organized regularly to help identify COVID-19 cases.

The department is also getting feedback from the local bodies on whether there has been an increase in diseases like dengue, malaria, and diarrhea.

Source: IANS


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