A man in West Bengal’s Bankura district barked like a dog before a government official to get his name corrected on his ration card. Srikanti Kumar Dutta has been running around government offices for a correction in his name on the ration card. After Mr. Dutta’s attempt to correct his name from ‘Srikanti Kumar Kutta’ to “Srikanti Kumar Dutta” fell on deaf ears, he tried yelping like a dog before a government officer. The name ‘Srikanti Kumar Kutta’ was printed in English on the ration card.
A video of the unique protest has gone viral over social media. In the video, Mr. Dutta can be seen holding a piece of paper and barking at a government official who is seated inside a vehicle. During the 45-second video, the protester is also seen passing a piece of paper (the ration card with the name Srikanti Kumar Kutta ) to the official. The protests have, however, yielded results and the name has been corrected.
BDO of Bankura II Subhabrata Chakraborty said that the youth had applied for a correction of his name on November 16 at a Duare Sarkar camp organised by the State government and the correction had been made. The youth said that he had gone to camp for a correction in his name but lost his cool on seeing a government official. “ After seeing the Joint BDO, I started barking like a dog and ran after his vehicle. The BDO did not reply,” Mr. Dutta said.
The youth said that this was the third time he had tried to get his name corrected. “ On the first occasion, my name was printed on the Srikanta Mandal. After it got corrected, the name came as Srikanta Kumar Dutta. I applied and said my name is not Srikanta, it’s Srikanti. On November 11, when I checked online. I was appalled to see the name came as Srikanti Kumar Kutta,” the youth said.
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