While extending greetings for Christmas, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president and four-time former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Sunday targeted the fundamentalist politics practised in the country over religious conversion. She claimed that the politics played in India over religion harms the country big time.
“The way in the name of “religious conversion”, ruckus is created in the country is wrong and worrying. Everything done forcefully is wrong and changing and getting religion changed with bad intentions, both are wrong. Hence, it is important to understand and analyse this matter with the right perspective. Due to the fundamentalist politics practised in this regard, the country gains less and also loses more,” wrote Ms. Mayawati in Hindi on Twitter.
The former Chief Minister expressed hope for peace and harmony among people of all religions. She added, “Best wishes and hearty congratulations to all the countrymen and especially to the brothers and sisters who practise Christianity on the occasion of Christmas. I wish, like people of all other religions in the country, these people also live their lives with peace and happiness in accordance with our secular constitution.”
Ms. Mayawati, a leading Dalit figure has been continuously raising issues of the minority community which is seen as an attempt to make inroads among them.
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