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New COVID-19 Variant JN.1 Detected in Cambodia


New COVID-19 Variant JN.1 Detected in Cambodia

Cambodia has identified four instances of the novel COVID-19 variant, JN.1, stemming from the extensively mutated BA.2.86 lineage.

COVID-19 JN.1 Variant in Cambodia

“The results obtained from the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia on Dec. 28 confirmed that four persons tested positive for the COVID-19 JN.1 variant,” the ministry said, Xinhua news agency reported.

“All of them have received treatment and recovered, but they are still required to undergo self-quarantine at their respective homes,” it added.

“The JN.1 strain was first detected in the United States in September. The WHO designated the JN.1 strain as a separate variant of interest from the parent lineage BA.2.86.The JN.1 variant is considered to be of “low risk” for public health, according to the WHO.



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