The Lok Sabha has been adjourned sine die, around a week ahead of its schedule. Today, the Rajya Sabha is expected to take up Private Members’ Bills. On December 22, both Houses saw a stormy start as Opposition members demanded a discussion on the India-China border clash in Tawang Sector, Arunachal Pradesh. While the Lok Sabha witnessed many adjournments during the day, Opposition members staged a walkout in the Rajya Sabha after a heated back-and-forth with the Chairman. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya addressed Parliament regarding the COVID-19 situation in the country and urged people to wear masks, use sanitisers, maintain social distancing and get precautionary vaccine doses. Later in the day, the Rajya Sabha discussed and passed the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Bill, 2022, and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Fourth Amendment) Bill, 2022.
The Winter Session is likely to conclude today, a week ahead of schedule. The session began on December 7.
Explained | What’s on agenda for the 2022 Winter Session of Parliament?
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Jagdeep Dhankar addresses the House, Rajya Sabha adjourned sine die
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar addresses the House, describing the progress and outlining the various achievements of the Winter session. There were 13 sittings and productivity was at 102%.
Other statistics mentioned by him are: answers were provided for 82 starred questions in the House, and tabled for 1920 unstarred questions. Nine Bills were passed and returned with 160 members participating. 31 Private Members’ Bills were introduced and there were 205 special mentions.
He says that disruption plagued the session, urging members to “deeply reflect and seek reality check from the people” about your actions. This is not a place for free flow of information which is not authenticated, he adds
He says that he feels privileged to be a part of this House, and says he seeks the guidance of the experienced members. He expresses good wishes to the members for the upcoming festive season.
At 11.52 a.m., Vice President Dhankar announces that the House stands adjourned sine die.
Pernicious, sinister design to elevate Hindi as sole national language: MP John Brittas
MP Dr. John Brittas raises to express concerns regarding the recommendations of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language to implement Hindi as the medium of instruction in central universities and institutes of national importance.
“There is a pernicious and sinister design” and there are “overt and covert attempts to elevate Hindi as the sole national language of this country,” he says. He is speaking about the fact that the Committee on Official Language recently submitted its 11 th report to the President, who herself hails from a State with rich linguistic heritage, he points out.
During his speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives in the Upper House.
Vice President Dhankar defends his statement
Mr. Dhankar says that his reflections of December 8 were inappropriate and that he diluted his stance very much since then. He calls his remarks very subdued, and highlights that the statement by Sonia Gandhi was about delegitimising the judiciary. “I cannot be enlisted by either you or them to delegitimise the judiciary,” he says
Zero Hour commences with some chaos, protests against Jagdeep Dhankar’s remarks on Sonia Gandhi
During Zero Hour, a Rule 267 notice is tabled by Pramod Tiwari seeking to suspend the House’s business to discuss Chinese aggression. It is disallowed by the Chair.
Pramod Tiwari raises to make a point of order about Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar’s remarks about Congress MP Sonia Gandhi. You have said that everything spoken out of the House cannot be discussed here, and bringing it up here is against the rules, he says.
It was very appropriate to give response, it is the bounden duty of the House to maintain the dignity of the Chair, Leader of House Piyush Goyal replies, saying that aspersions were cast on the Vice President.
Lok Sabha adjourned sine die
The Lower House was adjourned sine die on Friday morning. The decision to recommend early conclusion of the session was taken at a meeting of Lok Sabha’s Business Advisory Committee chaired by Speaker Om Birla.
Before adjourning the House, the Speaker said the House recorded 97% productivity in the Winter Session.
Rajya Sabha resumes proceedings for the day
The Rajya Sabha kicks off with Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar presiding. Papers, reports and statements about the status of implementation of recommendations from Parliamentary Standing Committees, such as those on Communications and Information Technology, and Housing and Urban Affairs.
Proceedings resume in Lower House
Speaker Om Birla kickstarted proceedings at 11 a.m. with a summary of business transacted in the Winter Session so far.
Left parties stage protest
The MPs were protesting against ‘privatisation of electricity’, news agency ANI reported.
Notices in Parliament today
In the Lok Sabha, Congress MP Manish Tewari has given a notice to adjournment motion, to discuss the border situation with China.
In the Rajya Sabha, CPI(M) MP John Brittas has given a Zero Hour notice expressing his concerns regarding the recommendations of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language to implement Hindi as the medium of instruction in central universities and institutes of national importance.
On the table at the Rajya Sabha
The House is expected to commence business as usual at 11 a.m. with the laying of papers, reports and statements regarding the status of implementation of various Parliamentary Standing Committee recommendations.
Post Question Hour, the House is expected to take up Private Members’ legislative business. A total of 27 Bills are expected to be introduced in the Upper House, including Bills to repeal the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991, and the Waqf Act, 1995, and Bills to amend the Representation of the People Act, 1951, the Right of Children of Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, the Advocates Act, and several to amend the Constitution.
A further six are expected to be moved for consideration and passing. These are:
- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (amendment of article 153 and substitution of articles 155 and 156)- to be moved by Dr. V Sivadasan
- The Bhagat Singh National Urban Employment Guarantee Bill, 2022- to be moved by Binoy Viswam
- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (amendment of articles 217 and 224). – to be moved by P. Wilson
- The Rights of Persons Affected by Leprosy and Members of their Family (Protection against Discrimination and Guarantee of Social Welfare) Bill, 2021- to be moved by K.T.S Tulsi
- The Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (Identification and Support in Education) Bill, 2018- to be moved by Vandana Chavan.
- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (insertion of new article 3A)- to be moved by V. Vijayasai Reddy.
What’s the agenda for the Lok Sabha?
The House is expected to commence with Question Hour at 11 a.m. Following the laying of papers, reports and Special Mentions under Rule 377, the Lower House is expected to take up the Repealing and Amending Bill, 2022, which repeals 60 outdated laws and rectifies one.
At 3:30 p.m., the Lok Sabha is expected to take up Private Members’ business. More than a hundred Bills are expected to be introduced, starting with the Compulsory Teaching of Sanskrit Language in Schools Bill, 2019.
Five Bills are expected to be taken up for consideration and passing:
- Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (Insertion of new section 29AA)
- Official Government Meetings and Functions (Prohibition on Serving Non-Vegetarian Food) Bill, 2019
- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (Amendment of section 3, etc.)
- Prevention of Bribery in Private Sector Bill, 2019
- Compensatory Afforestation Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (Insertion of new section 6A, etc.)
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