People turned out in large numbers to file complaints about buffer zone mapping in Idukki on Friday. According to officials, scores of people filed complaints at a camp organised at Idukki Hydro Electric Project (IHEP) High School in Kulamavu on Friday.
According to Idukki wildlife warden G. Jayachandran, “A total of 240 people from three wards of Arakkulam panchayat under Idukki wildlife sanctuary filed complaints using proforma issued by the government on Friday.” Another camp will be held at Moolamattom under Arakulam panchayat on Saturday, Mr. Jayachadran added.
“Help desks have already opened under eight panchayats and details will be collected from the public in the coming days,” he said.
A help desk was set up at SNDP School in Kulamavu on Friday to guide people who want to file complaints. The camp was held under the banner of the “Ardra charitable society”.
According to officials, help desks have been opened in most of the panchayats. The physical field survey began on Friday in Kumily panchayat under Periyar Tiger Reserve and in eight panchayats under the Idukki wildlife sanctuary. The field survey is under way in six panchayats under the Munnar wildlife division.
According to officials, buffer zone-related complaints were not received under the panchayats of Munnar wildlife division. “The field survey process is still on in the panchayats,” said an official.
Periyar Tiger Reserve East deputy director Patil Suyog Subhash Rao said that the Kumily panchayat was effectively taking steps to solve the Buffer zone-related issues. Officials noted that the field survey would continue on Saturday.
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