Photos | Look beyond the rocks at Chitradurga fort


Chitradurga fort is locally known as kallina kote (stone fortress) on account of its ramparts being made of heavy blocks of granite.

K Murali Kumar

Chitradurga fort in Chitradurga district is a major tourist attraction in central Karnataka.

K Murali Kumar

Tourists pay the entry fee by scanning a QR code at the entrance of Chitradurga fort.

K Murali Kumar

Entrance to Chitradurga fort

K Murali Kumar

The steps of the fort are imposing, and give a fair idea of the daunting task that lies ahead for visitors.

K Murali Kumar

Thanks to the imposing rocks, people outside may not even be aware of the existence of the fort.

K Murali Kumar

But, once inside Chitradurga fort, visitors are in for a visual treat. Prepare to be surprised!

K Murali Kumar

Visitors have to rely on canopies on the route for a break from the relentless gaze of the sun.

K Murali Kumar

The rocks will alternate between impressing and oppressing a visitor. Prepare for a tough trek.

K Murali Kumar

If you don’t look carefully, you are very likely to miss the water bodies inside the fort. Told you, there would be surprises!

K Murali Kumar

Hope you brought your camera along

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Ramparts of the fort, with a water body in the background. The fort is locally known as kallina kote (stone fortress) on account of its ramparts being made of heavy blocks of granite.

K Murali Kumar

A bird’s eye view of the fort

k Murali Kumar

Chitradurga fort is now overshadowed by the town below, but the latter cannot even aspire to the awe inspired by the ramparts of the fort.


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