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Prakasam SP hails yeoman service rendered by Home Guards


A smart turnout by home guards during the 60th Home Guards Raising Day in Ongole on Tuesday.

A smart turnout by home guards during the 60th Home Guards Raising Day in Ongole on Tuesday.
| Photo Credit: Kommuri Srinivas

Prakasam district Superintendent of Police Malika Garg on Tuesday said that Home Guards, who play a key role in maintaining law and order at the grassroots level along with the police personnel, will be provided all support and encouragement

Inspecting a guard of honour by the members of the voluntary force on the occasion of the Home Guards Raising Day here on Tuesday, Ms. Malika Garg said the department was making continuous efforts in improving their working condition and referred to the medical cover of up to ₹5 lakh that they can avail of and to the soft loans arranged for them by the cooperative society.

She made a special mention of the role played by home guards in nabbing treasure hunters at Pamur recently.


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