Rishabh Pant‘s horrific car crash has grabbed the cricket world’s attention. Pant had a miraculous escape when his luxury car crashed into a road divider and caught fire after he dozed off at the wheel on the Delhi-Dehradun highway in the early hours of Friday. The 25-year-old, who was on his way to his hometown Roorkee to surprise his mother, suffered injuries on his head, back and feet but is in a stable condition following the accident in Manglaur in Uttarakhand’s Haridwar district around 5.30 am, police said.
India’s cricket board BCCI said in a statement that Pant has two cuts on his forehead, a ligament tear in his right knee. He has also hurt his right wrist, ankle, toe and has suffered abrasion injuries on his back.
Now, an old video of Dhawan telling Rishabh Pant to drive carefully has resurfaced on social media. In the video, Pant and Dhawan can been seen wearing Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Delhi Capitals’ jersey. Pant asks Dhawan for some advice. The veteran opener then tells the talented wicketkeeper-batter to drive carefully.
the most valuable advice was given by shikhar dhawan to pant #RishabhPant #BCCI @DelhiCapitals pic.twitter.com/SshMBapvFL
— @Mrutyyunjay) December 30, 2022
Talking about Pant’s injury, the BCCI said: “India wicket-keeper Rishabh Pant met with a car accident early on Friday morning near Roorkee, Uttarakhand. He was admitted to Saksham Hospital Multispecialty and Trauma Centre where he was treated for impact injuries. Rishabh has two cuts on his forehead, a ligament tear in his right knee and has also hurt his right wrist, ankle, toe and has suffered abrasion injuries on his back.
“Rishabh’s condition remains stable, and he has now been shifted to Max Hospital, Dehradun, where he will undergo MRI scans to ascertain the extent of his injuries and formulate his further course of treatment.”
“The BCCI is in constant touch with Rishabh’s family while the Medical Team is in close contact with the doctors currently treating Rishabh. The Board will see to it that Rishabh receives the best possible medical care and gets all the support he needs to come out of this traumatic phase,” the statement added.
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