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Secondhand Smoke may Raise Blood Lead Levels in Children


In response, public health officials have determined that there is no safe exposure level and have made great efforts to eliminate lead-based paint and lead pipes in homes and phase out the use of leaded gasoline. But another possible source of lead exposure in children has been largely overlooked: secondhand smoke.

The new study published in the journal BMC Public Health analyzed data on blood lead levels and secondhand smoke exposure in children and adolescents aged 6 to 19. They used data from two cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), one for 2015-2016 and one for 2017-2018. NHANES is a large-scale, nationally representative, and well-regarded health survey.

Does Secondhand Smoke Add to Child Lead Exposure?

Later, analyzed data on 2,815 children and adolescents, looking at levels of lead and a metabolite of nicotine known as cotinine. Levels of cotinine act as an indicator of exposure to tobacco smoke. The researchers categorized participants by blood cotinine levels and age, with groups for ages 6 to 10, 11 to 15, 16 to 19, and low, intermediate, and heavy cotinine level categories. They also collected data on age, gender, race and ethnicity, household education level, and obesity.


The analysis found that blood lead levels correlated with cotinine levels. Lead levels were 18 percent higher in participants in the intermediate cotinine group and 29 percent higher in the heavy group compared to those with low blood cotinine.

They also found that male and non-Hispanic Black participants had higher blood lead levels than the median, while Hispanic participants had the lowest average blood lead levels. These findings seem to align with research showing that non-Hispanic Black adults are more likely to smoke than Hispanic adults.

They also found that the 6-to-10 age cohort had the highest percentage of participants whose blood lead levels were over the median, with a decreasing trend in older groups. This could be because of behavioral differences in younger children, such as placing hands and other objects in the mouth more often, or in how younger children tend to absorb more lead than adolescents and adults().

The researchers also found that obese children and adolescents had notably lower lead levels than non-obese participants. The findings of this study provide evidence that secondhand smoke may be a source of lead exposure in children and adolescents.

Further research will likely paint a clearer picture of this exposure route, especially in younger children, but the findings here can inform current efforts to eliminate low-level lead exposure in children.


  1. Naranjo, Valeria I et al. Lead Toxicity in Children: An Unremitting Public Health Problem. Pediatric Neurology vol. 113 (2020).(https://www.pedneur.com/article/S0887-8994(20)30278-2/fulltext)
  2. Apostolou, Andria et al. Secondhand tobacco smoke: a source of lead exposure in US children and adolescents. American Journal of public health vol. 102,4 (2012): 714-22.(https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2011.300161)

Source: Eurekalert


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