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Sonia Gandhi’s comment on judiciary was inappropriate: Vice-President Dhankar


Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar conducts proceedings on December 22, 2022. Photo: Sansad TV via PTI

Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar conducts proceedings on December 22, 2022. Photo: Sansad TV via PTI

The Vice-President and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha Jagdeep Dhankhar termed the recent statement by the UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi a calculated attempt underway, to delegitimise the judiciary as “inappropriate”. Reading out a brief statement in the Rajya Sabha on Thursday, Mr. Dhankhar said his “exceptional response” was unavoidable as Ms. Gandhi’s observations were severely inappropriate, indicating a lack of faith in the democracy.

Recalling his maiden address to the Upper House, Mr. Dhankhar said in any democracy, parliamentary sovereignty was inviolable. “Parliamentary sovereignty is quintessential to a democracy and is non-negotiable. Subscribing to this is not optional if democracy has to sustain and blossom. I had emphasised that democracy blossoms and flourishes when its three facets the Legislature, the Judiciary and the Executive, scrupulously adhere to their respective domains. The sublimity of the doctrine of the separation of powers is realized when the Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive optimally function in tandem and togetherness, meticulously ensuring scrupulous adherence to respective jurisdictional domain,” the Vice President said.

Mr. Dhankhar said he had indicated that the Rajya Sabha was eminently-positioned to take affirmative steps to bring out congeniality amongst the wings of governance. He added that Ms. Gandhi’s statement was far distanced from his reflections. “Delegitimising the Judiciary is beyond my contemplation. It is the pillar of democracy. I would urge and expect leaders across the political spectrum to bear in mind not to subject high Constitutional offices to partisan stances,” the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha said.

Ms. Gandhi made the statement while addressing a general body of the Congress Parliamentary Party on Wednesday. She, however, did not refer to Mr. Dhankhar’s speech. “It is quite clear that this is not an effort to provide reasonable suggestions for improvement. Rather, it is an effort to reduce the standing of the judiciary in the eyes of the public,” Ms. Gandhi said in her address.

“Rather, it is an effort to reduce the standing of the judiciary in the eyes of the public”Sonia GandhiUPA Chairperson 


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