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Sports will be included in State school syllabus from next year, says Minister


Sports will be included in the State school syllabus from the next academic year, Minister for Sports V. Abdurahiman has said. He pointed out that students would get a basic idea of sports if it is included in school syllabus.

Mr. Abdurahiman was here on Tuesday to launch ‘Pularkalam’, a comprehensive scheme for improving the physical and mental health of school students in Kozhikode district. It is being implemented by the Kozhikode district panchayat in 75 schools now and will be extended to all schools from next year.

Students in Classes 8 to 12 will be trained in yoga, meditation, aerobics, and taekwondo. Officials said that camps would be held for 10 days in a year from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.. Motivational sessions would be held and videos would be screened. Evaluation of their effects would be held at block and district levels. The project would continue for five years. The launch was held at A.K.K.R. Girls Higher Secondary School, Chelannur.


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