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Wristbands Detail Personal Air Pollution Exposure

[ad_1] A recent investigation into air pollution exposures has utilized personal wristband monitors worn by pregnant…

Can Indoor Air Pollutants Stifle Your Creativity?

[ad_1] Elevated levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – gases emitted by everyday indoor items like…

Hair Styling Products Can Emit Toxic Pollutants

[ad_1] Common heat styling methods including curling and straightening hair, as well as smoothing and shining…

How Rush-Hour Air Pollution Raises Blood Pressure?

[ad_1] Researchers have only just begun to understand the health risks posed by all that pollution.…

Coal Particulate Pollution’s Death Risk Doubles PM2.5 from Other Sources

[ad_1] Researchers found that exposure to fine particulate air pollutants, specifically coal PM2.5 from power plants,…

Air Pollution Spurs 40% Surge in Eye-Related Issues

[ad_1] “Patients with pre-existing dry eyes are experiencing exacerbation due to high pollution. We are observing…

PM2.5 Pollution Elevates the Threat of Diabetes in Urban India

[ad_1] PM2.5 particles, which are 30 times thinner than a strand of hair, can enter the…

Air Pollution Exposure Linked to Elevated COVID-19 Incidence

[ad_1] Lead author Dr. Zorana Andersen and her team at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, conducted…

Diabetes and Air Pollution: A Dangerous Duo for Health Complications

[ad_1] An expert emphasized the significance of protecting diabetic patients from the increasing levels of air…

Summer Wildfires and Winter Air Pollution Pose Varied Heart Health Risks

[ad_1] Findings from the Intermountain research were presented in a pair of studies at the American…

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