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Predicting Alzheimer’s 15 Years Early!

[ad_1] New blood test from Swedish neuroscientists reveals Alzheimer’s risk 15 years before symptoms manifest in…

Brain Region Thinning Signals Dementia Risk

[ad_1] The cortical gray matter, a ribbon of brain tissue, undergoes a thinning process in individuals…

RNA Interference Plays Key Role in Alzheimer’s Pathology

[ad_1] A recent study reveals that RNA interference could have a significant impact on Alzheimer’s disease.…

Indian Teen’s Novel Device Can Transform Alzheimer’s Disease Care

[ad_1] Highlights: The Alpha Monitor, developed by 17-year-old Hemesh Chadalavada, uses long-range technology to detect…

Sleep Quality in Your 30s and 40s Shapes Your Cognitive Health a Decade Later

[ad_1] Highlights: Disrupted sleep in your 30s and 40s may increase the likelihood of memory…

AI Eases Barriers in Ultrasound Brain Disease Treatment

[ad_1] Scientists have created an acoustic simulation technology in real-time utilizing generative AI. This innovation aims…

Whole Grains and Memory Preservation in Aging Black Adults

[ad_1] The research focused on elderly Black residents and their dietary habits, revealing a noteworthy correlation…

How Music Therapy Heals Mental Illnesses?

[ad_1] Tonality, or producing sounds with varying pitches, is characterized by universal features, such as vibrating…

Could Light Therapy Be a Breakthrough for Alzheimer’s?

[ad_1] The cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease is often accompanied by sleep disturbances and psycho-behavioral…

Optimizing Cognitive Health: How Sleep Patterns Impact Aging Minds

[ad_1] In a recent study published in the journal JAMA Network Open, researchers delved…

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