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Does Twice Daily Stimulation Enhance Alzheimers Mental Functions?

[ad_1] Some 140 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease from four different hospitals were randomly…

Coffee and its Role in Neurodegenerative Disorders

[ad_1] A team led by Jyotish Kumar, a doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry and…

Belly Fat Affects Brain Health Leading to the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] According to the Alzheimer’s Association, about 6.7 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. This figure is…

Novel Blood Test With 90% Accuracy Enables Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] According to the abstract, the researchers discovered 18 proteins in the blood that looked to…

Microglia Mutation’s Link to Tripled Alzheimer’s Risk

[ad_1] “This study adds clear evidence that microglia dysfunction contributes to Alzheimer’s disease risk.” In the…

Insulin Resistance Unveils Obesity’s Connection to Neurodegeneration

[ad_1] Scientists, led by Mroj Alassaf at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, have unveiled a…

Type 3 Diabetes: Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes

[ad_1] “It’s more of a research term than a medical term,” explains Guojun Bu, Ph.D., a…

High Metabolism Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] The teams behind the study used mice that developed Alzheimer’s disease pathology in a similar…

Can Eisai-Biogen’s Drug for Alzheimers Be an Actual Game-Changer?

[ad_1] Leqembi has also been named as one of The Best Inventions of 2023 in the…

Female Hormones Serve as the Missing Link in Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] The biological bases for these differences between men and women with Alzheimer’s disease are not…

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