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Automated Phone Tasks can Predict Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] This test is a more objective assessment of an aspect of daily functioning as opposed…

Game-Changing Discovery Leads to New Horizons in Alzheimer’s Treatment

[ad_1] researchers from Ruijin Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and other…

Power of Deep Sleep Against Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] Disrupted sleep has previously been associated with a faster accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in the…

A Good Night’s Sleep Potential Solution to Alzheimer’s Disease

[ad_1] and poor sleep accelerates harmful changes to the brain. Researchers at Washington University School of…

New Biomarkers Help Detect Alzheimer’s Disease Early

[ad_1] – created to break the skin barrier in a minimally invasive manner, similar to a…

Late-Life Depression and Memory Loss Linked to Shorter DNA Sequences

[ad_1] This explores the association between TL as a molecular marker of aging and diagnosis of…

Can Weight Loss Predict the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease?

[ad_1] The high prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome is due to the triplication of…

Alzheimer’s Disease Vaccine is on the Way

[ad_1] This is assumed to be because the viruses that induce the events that lead to…

Gut Bacteria Impact Brain Health

[ad_1] The study, in mice, found that gut bacteria — partly by producing compounds such as…

Dementia Risks Unique to People With African Ancestry Identified

[ad_1] “MVP represents an incredible resource for examining the genetics of many diseases, including dementia,” said…

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