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AI-Embedded Catheter: Game Changer in Preventing Bacterial Infections

[ad_1] American researchers have crafted an innovative catheter tube, enhanced with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology,…

Artificial Intelligence Unveils Novel Antibiotics

[ad_1] MIT researchers, employing deep learning AI, unearthed a group of compounds capable of eliminating a…

Scientists Forge New Antibiotics Targeting Hospital Superbugs

[ad_1] Researchers have created a hopeful antibiotic contender to combat a hospital superbug, employing a methodology…

India Among Highest in Antimicrobial Resistance Deaths

[ad_1] In the realm of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), India stands among the nations witnessing the highest…

Antibiotic Misuse Can Cause Kidney Stones & Infection

[ad_1] A young woman who took an incomplete course of antibiotics guided by internet information developed…

Antibiotics’ Influence on Gut Microbes and Hypertensive Organ Damage

[ad_1] Polymyxin B treatment (which targets Gram-negative bacteria) showed no significant effect. Blood pressure levels for…

Antibiotics Should Be Halted Upon Closure of Incisions: New Insights

[ad_1] “Many surgical site infections are preventable,” said Michael S. Calderwood, MD, MPH, lead author on…

Treat Aggressive Gum Infections With New Antibiotic-Delivery System

[ad_1] The way these infections are typically treated is by scaling and planing, which essentially means…

How Can Compounds Reduce the Harmful Side Effects of Antibiotics on Gut Bacteria?

[ad_1] The trillions of microorganisms in the human gut profoundly impact health by aiding digestion, providing…

Pets and Superbugs: Crucial Findings from UK-Portuguese Study

[ad_1] similar to those found in their owners, a Portuguese study found. The finding underlines the…

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