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Propranolol, a Blood Pressure Medication, Eases Anxiety in Autism

[ad_1] Propranolol, originally designed for high blood pressure, proves effective in reducing anxiety in children and…

Mechanism Linking Anxiety to Testosterone Identified

[ad_1] A pioneering study has revealed a substantial connection between anxiety disorders, the brain receptor TACR3,…

How OCD is Linked to Soaring Death Rates?

[ad_1] Highlights: Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) is linked to a heightened risk of mortality Causes of…

Single Therapy Eases Spider and Height Phobias

[ad_1] Multiple anxiety disorders often co-occur. According to Iris Kodzaga, the study’s lead author, “Anxiety rarely…

Israel Sees Near-Doubling of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety Post-Attack

[ad_1] A new study highlights the significant toll on mental health among Israelis, including both Jews…

Psychoactive Drug Ibogaine’s Effectiveness in Treating Traumatic Brain Injury

[ad_1] Pairing the plant-based psychoactive drug ibogaine with magnesium, for cardiac protection, safely and efficiently alleviates…

COVID JN.1 Variant Alert: Anxiety & Sleep Issues on the Rise

[ad_1] Highlights: The new COVID JN.1 variant, evolved from Omicron, has seen a global upsurge…

Growth Hormone’s Role in Anxiety Control Explored

[ad_1] Growth hormone (GH) acts on many tissues throughout the body, helping build bones and muscles,…

New Year Resolution Plan for Healthy Mind and Body

[ad_1] Highlights: Kick start this new year with healthy resolutions for both physical and mental…

LinkedIn Can Spur Imposter Syndrome – A Digital Health Alert

[ad_1] The use of professional social networking sites like LinkedIn has been associated with experiences of…

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