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Indoors Unveiled as Key Players in Respiratory Health

[ad_1] Vital role of indoor microorganisms and metabolites in understanding the environmental factors behind prevalent respiratory…

AI-aided Home Stethoscope Monitors Asthma

[ad_1] Assessment of these symptoms, still primarily done by doctors using stethoscopes in face-to-face visits, can…

Exercise Training and Yoga Help Adults With Asthma Breathe Better

[ad_1] To address this issue, the current study conducting a network meta-analysis, which enables a simultaneous…

Redefining Allergy Treatment With a New Innovative Approach

[ad_1] Commonly prescribed drugs like Omalizumab, Dupilumab, Mepolizumab, and Reslizumab lower or block the various cytokines…

Could a Severe Heatwave Lead to Asthma?

[ad_1] “The high temperatures and increased humidity can cause airways to become inflamed and constricted, making…

Could Domestic Abuse Exposure Be Linked to Asthma Risk?

[ad_1] Dr. Joht Singh Chandan from the University of Birmingham and corresponding author of the study…

Common Asthma Drug may Help Reverse Memory Loss

[ad_1] Havekes, associate professor of Neuroscience of Memory and Sleep at the University of Groningen, the…

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