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Denmark Heightens Risk of Bird Flu

[ad_1] The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) has raised the alert level for avian influenza,…

Japan Records Second Avian Flu Outbreak of the Season

[ad_1] The Ministry of Agriculture in Japan confirmed a highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak at a…

Gene-Edited Chickens Hold the Key to Combat Bird Flu

[ad_1] When the birds were exposed to an artificially high dose of virus, only half of…

Bird Flu in Brazil: 6-month Health Emergency Declared

[ad_1] After the detection of several avian flu cases, a six-month health emergency has been declared…

Human Bird Flu Case Confirmed in Chinese Woman

[ad_1] “Since 2020, an increased number of avian influenza outbreaks have been reported in wild birds…

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