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How Does Snake Venom Lower Blood Pressure?

[ad_1] A novel peptide called Bc-7a from the venom of snakes – pit viper Cotiara and…

Beetroot Juice Supplements Lower BP and Energize COPD Patients

[ad_1] Highlights: Beetroots are a great source of dietary nitrate supplements These nitrates help…

How Winter Increases Stroke Risk?

[ad_1] Highlights: Stroke is a condition of brain cell death due to disrupted blood supply…

How Rush-Hour Air Pollution Raises Blood Pressure?

[ad_1] Researchers have only just begun to understand the health risks posed by all that pollution.…

Medical Wearable Tech Hits $100 Billion in 2023

[ad_1] “These devices can be worn on the body, most commonly as smartwatches on the wrist…

Can Stevia Affect Fertility?

[ad_1] In certain instances, people have reported numbness, affecting their hands, feet, or even the tongue…

Beetroot Juice: The Secret Elixir for Weight Loss and More

[ad_1] Beetroot is a low-calorie, high-nutrient food. It could be an important part of a weight-loss…

Amlodipine: A Common Blood Pressure Medication Deemed Safe for Use

[ad_1] published by Oxford University Press, has found that amlodipine drug is safe for use to…

One in Three: The Global Burden of Hypertension Highlighted by WHO Report

[ad_1] The report highlights a significant challenge: in order to achieve a 50% control rate, an…

New Wearable Ultrasound Device Monitors Deep-Tissues in Moving Subjects

[ad_1] This device that facilitates cardiovascular monitoring not only marks a breakthrough in wearable technology but…

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