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What is the Mystery Behind Sleep?

[ad_1] In an attempt to unravel the riddle of sleep, scientists monitored the brain activity of…

Loneliness Blurs the Line Between Real and Fictional Friends

[ad_1] “The difference between those who scored highest on loneliness and those who scored lowest was…

Effects of Poor Sleep in Huntingtons Disease

[ad_1] This study was reported in the Journal of Huntington’s Disease (JHD). HD is an autosomal-dominant…

Secret Hormonal Link Between Brain and Bones Revealed

[ad_1] , senses circulating parathyroid hormone (PTH) and subsequently modulates the peripheral PTH level. PTH, as…

Understanding Brain’s Response to Chronic Stress!

[ad_1] Scientists at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University looked in the hypothalamus, key…

How High Fat/Calorie Diet Tricks the Brain to Eat Less?

[ad_1] Understanding the brain’s role and the complex mechanisms that lead to overeating, a behavior that…

Antidepressants Delivered to the Brain Through Nose

[ad_1] However, only a small portion of the nasal mucosa in humans is made up of…

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