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How Do High Folic Acid and Low B12 Affect Fetal Brain Growth?

[ad_1] Folate, a crucial B vitamin, is vital in preventing neural tube defects like spina bifida.…

Stem Cell Technology Tracks Genetics of Autism

[ad_1] A new technology that uses stem cells created at the University of Wisconsin–Madison to grow…

How Screen Time Shapes Childrens Brain?

[ad_1] ). Time spent watching television or playing computer games has measurable and long-term effects on…

Do Hormonal Contraceptives in Teens Shape Altered Risk Assessment?

[ad_1] The researchers found that myelination, the formation of protective coating on axons projecting from the…

Uncharted Genes and Neurodevelopment in Autism

[ad_1] The new findings, led by a team from Stanford University in the US, are likely…

Playful Path to Better Brain Health

[ad_1] By drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and child development, Dr. Harding discusses how…

Too Much Screen Time may Increase Suicidal Thoughts in Preteens

[ad_1] Is your child glued to the screen all the time? Watch out, spending more time…

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