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Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Empowering Women Through Knowledge and Prevention

[ad_1] Highlights: Cervical cancer ranks fourth among women’s cancers globally, with India contributing significantly to…

Can Epigenetic Therapy Overcome Endocrine Resistance in Breast Cancer?

[ad_1] Researchers have identified DNA methylation as a crucial factor in endocrine resistance, a significant cause…

AI Redefines Metastatic Cancer Treatment

[ad_1] Using artificial intelligence through smartphones can help monitor and analyze the symptoms of metastatic cancer…

Safe Paths to Motherhood for HR-Positive Breast Cancer Survivors

[ad_1] “With the increasing age of childbearing, it is becoming more likely that women will be…

Disease-Free Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients

[ad_1] Patients who are diagnosed with stage I HR-positive breast cancer typically undergo to reduce the…

A Sweat for Health: Exercise Benefits Breast Cancer Patients

[ad_1] Researchers have previously assessed the effects of exercise programs on patients with less advanced cancer,…

Intricate Dance of Flaxseed, Gut Microbiome, and Breast Cancer Genes

[ad_1] “In this study, we found correlations between diets enriched in flaxseed, cecal microbiota composition, and…

Early Gene Epimutation Linked to Breast Cancer

[ad_1] Scientists have been looking closely at both genes and the environment, trying to figure out…

Emotional Journey of Mothers With Breast Cancer

[ad_1] In a recent breakthrough analysis published in JAMA Network Open, experts are sounding…

Urban Environments Fuel Higher Breast Cancer Rates

[ad_1] “Our study explored the incidence of breast cancer within the context of the Environmental Quality…

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