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Diabetes Remission Cuts Risk of Heart and Kidney Disease

[ad_1] It is well known that substantial weight loss using diet and lifestyle can reverse type…

How Impotency and Chest Pain Drug Duo Spikes Mortality Risk?

[ad_1] Patients who take Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i)—an erectile dysfunction drug sold under the brand…

Intermittent Energy Restriction and the Lasting Weight Loss Symphony

[ad_1] In tackling obesity worldwide, intermittent energy restriction (IER) triggers coordinated shifts in the brain-gut microbiome…

Diabetes Complications: Silent Threat to Heart, Kidneys, and Nerves

[ad_1] “In real-world settings, we found people couldn’t achieve the level of control they wanted and,…

Atherosclerosis in Young Adults Curbed by Early Risk Factor Management

[ad_1] This new research was conducted at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), and the…

Menopause and Heart Health: Protecting Your Cardiovascular Wellness

[ad_1] “More women in the U.S. are living longer, and a significant portion of them will…

High Urinary Albumin in Type 2 Diabetics Tied to Cardiovascular Risk

[ad_1] Positron emission tomography(PET) and computed tomography(CT) scans were the imaging methods used. Results from the…

Bioactives in Insoluble Fiber Hold the Key to a Healthier Future

[ad_1] “People understand the need for fiber and how it relates to gut health – an…

Probiotics as Hypertension Heroes

[ad_1] In experiments on hypertensive mice, treatment with the 2 probiotics, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus,…

Diabetes-Fighting Power of Dark Tea

[ad_1] “Our findings hint at the protective effects of habitual tea drinking on blood sugar management…

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