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Diabetes-Fighting Power of Dark Tea

[ad_1] “Our findings hint at the protective effects of habitual tea drinking on blood sugar management…

Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Truth Vs Myth

[ad_1] A session at this year’s Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of…

Yoga Can Be Therapeutic for Heart Health

[ad_1] Ajit Singh, an ICMR research scientist at Kasturba Medical College & Hospital in Karnataka,…

Every Beat Counts: Celebrating World Heart Day 2023

[ad_1] only affects the elderly. The modern sedentary lifestyle, combined with factors like increased stress, unhealthy…

India’s Salty Affair: Most Indians Are Silently Overdosing on Salt by 3 Grams

[ad_1] Similarly, employed persons (8.6g), current tobacco users (8.3g), obese people (9.2g), and those with high…

Work Breaks – Need of the Hour to Counteract Long Sitting

[ad_1] More concerning is the fact that remote workers, growing in numbers since the pandemic, might…

Can a Dentist Detect Heart Disease With Just Your Saliva?

[ad_1] Their findings demonstrated that increased levels correlated with reduced flow-mediated dilation—a preliminary sign of arterial…

Longevity Secrets: Diet and Lifestyle of a Centenarian Neurologist

[ad_1] is well established. Getting the nutrition your body needs can help you avoid diseases like…

The Risks of Gynecologic Surgery: What You Need to Know

[ad_1] Gynecologic procedures may be linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, stated a new…

Undetected Heart Diseases can Cause You to go Blind

[ad_1] , an eye disease that can blur your vision leading to blindness is now correlated…

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