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Boost Heart Health With These Cholesterol-Lowering Drinks

[ad_1] Natural cholesterol reduction is critical for preserving heart health. Adopting a heart-healthy diet rich in…

Genotype Linked to Short-Lifespan Affects 1 in 25 People

[ad_1] The study was done by scientists at deCODE Genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen, and published…

Debate Over Egg’s Health Impact Explored

[ad_1] looking at biomarkers for heart disease, diabetes, body composition, inflammation, immune health, and anemia in…

Do Not Ignore Low Cholesterol Levels

[ad_1] It emphasizes the necessity of personalized health management and regular check-ups to keep cholesterol levels…

High and Low HDL Cholesterol Levels Linked to Higher Dementia Risk

[ad_1] “Previous studies on this topic have been inconclusive and this study is especially informative because…

Statin Alternative Reduces Risk of Cardiac Events

[ad_1] The study is a new analysis of the CLEAR Outcomes Trial, which enrolled 13,970 statin-intolerant…

Non-communicable Diseases on the Rise in India

[ad_1] The report, titled ‘Health of the Nation 2023’, by Apollo Hospitals gives insights into the…

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