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Boosting Hypnotizability for Chronic Pain Patients —a Trailblazing Approach!

[ad_1] By utilizing transcranial magnetic stimulation, Stanford Medicine scientists have discovered a method to temporarily increase…

Lifelong Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Chronic Pain

[ad_1] Highlights: Childhood trauma, or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), increases the risk of chronic pain…

How Does Childhood Trauma Impact Adult Chronic Pain Risk?

[ad_1] Experiencing physical, sexual, emotional abuse, or neglect, whether individually or alongside other childhood traumas, heightens…

Uncovering Factors Predicting Opioid Overdose Post-Chronic Pain Prescription

[ad_1] This valuable information enables healthcare professionals to engage in collaborative decision-making with patients regarding opioid…

Breakthrough Brain-Centered Approach Reduces Chronic Back Pain

[ad_1] To study the effects of pain attributions, researchers enrolled over 150 adults experiencing moderately severe…

Secrets to Soothing Shoulder Stiffness and Stress

[ad_1] Constantly elevated or clenched shoulders may also be a sign of chronic pain caused by…

Alcohol Consumption Influences Chronic Pain

[ad_1] Alcohol use disorder (AUD), which encompasses the conditions commonly called alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence and…

Interplay Between Sleep, Chronic Pain and Spinal Cord Stimulation

[ad_1] Because chronic pain and sleep are thought to be correlated, treatment of one could be…

Closer Look at the Happy Side of Arthritis

[ad_1] , and more than half (56%) are happy and in excellent mental health. The definition…

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