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Link Between Diarrheal Illness and Climate Change Identified

[ad_1] A recent study indicates a correlation between temperature, day length, and humidity with the heightened…

Climate Change can Cut Life Span by 6 Months

[ad_1] Climate change-led global temperature rise of 1°C is linked to a drop in average human…

Link Between Ocean Weather and Global Climate Dynamics

[ad_1] The initial direct proof connecting apparently sporadic oceanic weather systems with the global climate has…

New Plant-Based Options Reduce Climate-Harming Emissions

[ad_1] The report, produced with the support of the Government of Belgium, finds that these alternatives…

COP28 Bats for Importance of Health Amid Climate Change

[ad_1] But this is only the beginning. We must continue with our ambition to deliver #HealthForAll.…

WHO Highlights Climate Change Fuels Global Burden of Malaria

[ad_1] Even though world leaders have just updated COP28 to call for actions to combat global…

Climate Change Drives Bat Expansion and Rabies Risk in the US

[ad_1] Vampire bats are expected to migrate to the US, potentially introducing the rabies virus. Research…

Underreported Climate Risks for Pregnant Women & Children

[ad_1] “Climate change poses an existential threat to all of us, but pregnant women, babies and…

Underwater Crisis Due to Climate Change Evident in Seafoods

[ad_1] “Low-income countries and the global south, where seafood is central to diets and has the…

Groundbreaking Study Forecasts 2023 as Hottest Year on Record

[ad_1] This comes after NASA and the European Union Climate Monitor has also stated 2023 to…

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