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Powerful Duo for Smoking Cessation

[ad_1] Amalgamation of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and Behavioral Therapy proved to be five times more…

UK Launches First Human Trial for Nipah Virus Vaccine

[ad_1] Scientists at the University of Oxford in the UK have launched the first-in-human clinical trial…

Dana-Farber’s Weapon Against COVID-19

[ad_1] Discovery of compounds impeding the “landing gear” of harmful viruses has prompted the commencement of…

Thyroid Dilemma Prompts Reconsidering of Strategies in Transplant Medicine

[ad_1] “There have been very few studies of what really works in terms of preserving organ…

Combination Therapy Holds Promise for Brain Tumor in Children

[ad_1] This Phase II trial was led by researchers from UCL and Great Ormond Street Hospital…

Combined Treatment Boosts Survival in Metastatic Bladder Cancer

[ad_1] The number of patients who had no evidence of disease after treatment was nearly twice…

Nature’s Rhythms in Medicine Proves as Breakthrough for Adrenal Patients

[ad_1] The hormone regulates a range of vital processes, from cognitive processes such as memory formation,…

STRIVE Consortium’s Quest to Tame the Immune Storm

[ad_1] It is supported by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious…

HIV Vaccine Clinical Trial Initiates in the United States and South Africa

[ad_1] Enrollment for a Phase 1 trial of a preventative HIV vaccine candidate has commenced in…

Probiotic can Improve Brain Function in 30 Days

[ad_1] and reduces inflammation. This can lead to improved cognitive function, mood regulation, and stress reduction…

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