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Can Standing and Eating Increase the Risk of Intestinal Cancer?

[ad_1] Highlights: Eating while standing increases the risk of cancers, in particular, esophageal and colorectal…

AI Detects Missed Polyps in Colorectal Cancer Screening

[ad_1] Endocuff, an advanced medical device technology coupled with Computer-Aided Detection (CADe) systems, a form of…

Diabetes Drug Tied to Lowered Colorectal Cancer Risk

[ad_1] support the need for clinical trials to determine whether these medications could prevent one of…

Folate-Foods- Spinach, Broccoli Cuts Risk of Colorectal Cancer

[ad_1] “The potential protective health benefits of vitamin B9 are demonstrated in this large study. The…

Kinase-Targeted Therapy Revolutionizes Colorectal Cancer Care

[ad_1] Identifying critical kinases involved in tumor growth and invasion is pivotal for advancing the development…

High Fat Diet Changes Gut Microbiome Raising Colorectal Cancer Risk

[ad_1] on August 22, 2023, the team found increased levels of specific gut bacteria in mice…

Proteins’ Role in Propelling Cancer Growth Unveiled

[ad_1] “In our efforts to develop better cancer therapies, this new analysis of the proteins driving…

Engineered Bacteria Offer New Hope for Early Cancer Detection

[ad_1] Bacteria previously have been designed to carry out various diagnostic and therapeutic functions, but could…

Fatty Liver Promotes Colorectal Cancer Spread

[ad_1] “Currently 25% to 30% of U.S. adults are obese, making it likely that they also…

How to Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk in People With a Family History?

[ad_1] The healthy cells in the colon develop mutations in their DNA and accumulate together to…

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