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COVID Infection’s Changing Perception in Public Health

[ad_1] A comprehensive study reveals that the perception of Covid-19 infection as a serious health concern…

JN.1 Variant Shines in Omicron Breakthrough

[ad_1] The human immune system, when exposed to a breakthrough infection caused by the Omicron variant,…

3,500+ Americans Lost to Long COVID-Related Illness

[ad_1] Between January 2020 and June 2022, Long COVID contributed to 3,544 deaths in the US,…

Dana-Farber’s Weapon Against COVID-19

[ad_1] Discovery of compounds impeding the “landing gear” of harmful viruses has prompted the commencement of…

COVID JN.1 Variant Alert: Anxiety & Sleep Issues on the Rise

[ad_1] Highlights: The new COVID JN.1 variant, evolved from Omicron, has seen a global upsurge…

AI Forecast COVID-19 Variant Specific Wave Patterns

[ad_1] The present AI models do not predict variant specific COVID viral spread. However, a new…

Long COVID: Symptoms, Safety & Preventive Strategies

[ad_1] People with “Long COVID” are those who continue to have signs, symptoms, and other health…

India Records 841 Fresh COVID-19 Cases

[ad_1] In the last 24 hours, India reported 841 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total to…

COVID-19 in India: 646 Fresh Cases Detected

[ad_1] In the past 24 hours, India reported 656 fresh COVID-19 cases along with a single…

COVID-19 Triggers First Ever Vocal Cord Paralysis in Teens

[ad_1] A 15-year-old girl contracted COVID-19 and went on to develop bilateral vocal cord paralysis, in…

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