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New COVID JN. 1 Variant Raises Global Health Concern

[ad_1] In light of the recent surge of COVID-19 cases worldwide, primarily attributable to the JN.1…

COVID-19: India Reports 31 New Infections

[ad_1] In the last 24 hours, India reported 31 new COVID infections, with the active cases…

Is the Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines Lower Than Anticipated?

[ad_1] In the US, the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines has fallen below expectations, as only 14%…

COVID-19 Mutant Strains Linked to Human Behavior

[ad_1] As with any other living organism, viruses evolve over time. Those with survival advantages become…

Tracing the Path of the Lethal Cat Coronavirus Outbreak

[ad_1] FIP is a common condition caused by a type of cat coronavirus characterized by fevers,…

WHO Updates COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

[ad_1] The World Health Organization’s Guideline Development Group has revised its recommendations for COVID-19 patient treatments…

CDC Identifies Novel COVID-19 Strains JN.1 and HV.1

[ad_1] Following a temporary decline, new COVID-19 variants have reemerged. The US Centers for Disease Control…

Willow Bark Offers Next Generation Anti-Viral Drugs

[ad_1] “We need broadly acting and efficient tools to combat the virus load in our everyday…

Next Pandemic Threat: 8 Novel Viruses from Rodents

[ad_1] A Chinese team of scientists has found previously unknown viruses from rodents that have the…

Singapore Faces New COVID-19 Surge

[ad_1] Singapore is currently experiencing a renewed wave of COVID-19 infections, with daily cases estimated to…

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